Pollution refers to contamination, bad and negative unnatural change in environmental factors like air, soil, water, land and etc. There are many kinds of other like, Nutrient, light , noise, thermal ,radiation ,dust pollution and etc. Pollution And Contamination The major and main categories are the air, soil, water and the others are sub-categories under all of these categories.
Pollution is hazardous to all the living beings, which are related and dependent directly on the Pollution And Contamination environmental surroundings. It hampers the normal and natural way of life.
Different Types Of Pollution:
Air pollution:
The contamination and change in chemical or composition factor of the particles or constituents of air. Excessive dust, increased amount of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and some free radicals all these.
The trace sources of air pollution are:
1. Vehicle exhausts(carbon monoxide form).
2. Burning down forest,dry soil erosion.
3. Volcanoes, dust storms.
4. Burning fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and natural gas etc.
Water pollution:
The contamination and changed chemical properties of water, and contamination of bacterial organisms and etc. It can occur in oceans, rivers and lakes and underground reservoirs etc.
Water pollution causes are –
1.Usage of fertilizers, pesticides.
2.Industrial waste.
3.Underground storage leakage
4.Animal waste dumping etc.
Soil pollution:
The contamination of soil, which damages the quality and characteristics of the specific soil and hampers the natural balance, and growth. Which is important for cultivation, habitation etc.
Sources of soil pollution includes :
1. Agricultural practice and usage like pesticide and fertilizers.
2. Urban wastes.
3. Industrial wastes.
4. Organic wastes.
All these are the main source to the other sub-categorized pollution.
These all together causes ecological imbalance and environmental hazards.