Addiction is a mental illness. It changes the brain chemistry and its function in fundamental ways . Addiction can be said both the cause and consequence of this fundamental change in brain. The brain is tricked and hijacked by the addictive substance because of the design to the reward pathway or construction in the CNS(central nervous system). The reward function acts such a way that once it recognizes the source for pleasure , it makes normal people to go for the same source .
This addiction is a mental illness such a way, that a person no more acts or do the same as a normal person do. Normal person do use the drug for any treatment for a short period of time and then puts a stop to it. But an addict doesn’t do the same as a normal person
Emotionally down people , those who are hurt by anyway, or to those life seems dull to them often get addicted to drugs. People find a way to their happiness.
Happiness is all we human want. Happiness and pleasure seeking is in our nature, it is not defined by means or sources to the happiness. We find gifts , foods ,sex, success , dresses , hangouts and various other objects as a key to our happiness. Which is technically a neurophysiological dysfunction though but appears in a form of mental illness.
Depression, Stress , anxiety , and many other mental health disorder often leads to the addiction. For stress, sleeplessness(insomnia), depression , anxiety, anti-psychotic drugs and anti-depressants like narcotics , tranquilizers , and various mood stabilizers and anti-panic drugs can be prescribe and use, but self prescription and self medication can be hazardous and seriously harmful to the user.
There are certain mental conditions those are frequently associated with alcohol and dependency on the drug. They are includes:
In most of the cases, individuals may start to abuse a substance to get rid of the symptoms of depression.
In anxiety the alcohol abuse is equally same to the men and the women with the anxiety disorders.
Condition of the Bipolar Disorder:
Those with condition of the Bipolar Disorder- which is a condition .The alternating cycles of depression-to-anxiety-to-tension.
Anxiety due to alcoholism:
Alcohol abuse is one of the more common in both men and women with anxiety disorders.
This causes psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations , delusions , which may lead to substance abuse .
As a result, people with any of these mental conditions get addicte with their drugs .