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About Narcotics : Definition And Classification

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Narcotics is a vast terminology used to describe certain types of psychological and neurological effectors, usually used in medical terminology as a group of different drugs causing some neurological and psychological effects. As there are many types, so the definition of narcotics is also diverse. According to medical point of view, are the drugs which –

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  1. When used in controlled amounts dulls the sensations, induces sleep but when used in uncontrolled excessive amount cause stupor, convulsions, or coma.
  2. Causes psychoactive effects.
  3. Addictive type narcotics make a person addictive of that narcotic.

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While from a general point of view –

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These are the things which sooth, relieve and nullify pain. These are also known as painkillers, drugs for pain, analgesics.

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Classification :

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It has already been discussed that the narcotics are of many different types. This is because of the diverse nature. But still there is a classification available for the better study of the narcotics. According to this classification, the following types –

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  1. Opioids and opioid like substances used to cause anesthesia and relieve pain in post-surgical and in last stages of the cancer. Some examples of this class are codeine, tramadol, morphine, heroin etc. Codeine, morphine, and tramadol are use for the relieve from the severe pain. Some other examples – oxycodone, hydromorphone, propoxyphene, and hydrocodone.

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2. Hallucinogens are the pain killers but their therapeutic effects are lowered by the side effects like hallucinations, paranoia, delusions and flash blacks etc. This class of drugs includes PCP and similar agents.

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3. Cannabinoids – It has many severe abuses and is potential risk of addiction is also very high. The abuse of this class of narcotics is usually for the purpose of recreation, that’s why this class of narcotics is not recommended as pain killer in medical practice. If the abuse of this class of narcotics continues, it can result in defect in coordination, intellect and memory.

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4. Stimulants include methylphenidate, methamphetamine, dextroamphetamine, amphetamine etc.

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About admin

What do you hear? We are saying something from Bangladesh – Welcome to you. How are you all? We know that, none of you are doing well in this unsafe and increasingly polluted world. I/you all must be very tired now from the intense mental turmoil caused by various unavoidable reasons, from agitation, lassitude, anxiety and depression to suicidal tendencies, drug addiction and addicting substances to the swings of despair. But how long to live like this? Can’t we light the torch of light and light all the depressed, drugged, tired, lost the way of life of this world and keep an island of constant hope burning? Can we not change this world of increasing pollution? Can we not build a beautiful, humane, pollution-free, healthy livable green world? Can’t we spread the flow of safe, pollution-free oxygen around the world? Yes, of course we can. If you/I/Welcome Message. Work to transform people’s psychology as a force to help build a healthy and peaceful world. Show the way to light to the lost and dark people. We instill hope in suicidal people suffering from anxiety and depression and tell them – suicide is not the only way and way to solve any problem. Assure them that even when one road in life is closed, many others are open. Help drug addicts show the way to light. We involve them in imparting self-motivation and mental strength to get out of the world of addiction and severe addicting substances and build a beautiful life. Inform and sensitize them about the harmful effects of drugs. So, let’s you/me/we all together make this world a habitable place for people. Come, in your/my awareness a drug-free, depression-free, addiction-free, pollution-free green and beautiful world that we reshape to our needs and bring everyone together. Thank you very much for being with us, greetings and congratulations. Best wishes always in anticipation of a beautiful future.

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