Friday,February 14 , 2025
Breaking News

Suicide Is Always The Result Of Psychological Stress – Anxiety And Depression

Suicide is the result of anxiety,stress and depression pic-03.

Suicide is commonly a after effect of continued appellation depression, anxiety, and all the others brainy or cerebral illness.

Suicide is the result of anxiety,stress and depression pic-12, Collected Unique....

Normally bodies get problems, do face pain of failure and can be in abasement and disturbing can accept brainy affliction like BPD (border line personality disorder) OCD (obsessive besetting or compulsive disorder) and abounding added austere brainy illness. But not all of them demand to do suicide or gets the addiction of baleful behavior.

Suicide is the result of anxiety,stress and depression pic-11, Collected Unique....

When any affectionate of brainy affliction and astringent depression, anxiety and indisposition like problems are diagnosed at the aboriginal stage, it can be advised able-bodied soon, and shouldn’t be advised later. The eventually the bigger it is.

Suicide is the result of anxiety,stress and depression pic-13, Collected Unique....

When abasement and all-overs consumes the apperception totally, A being gets anemic and does not accept the backbone and guts to face the absoluteness which may allegedly be atrocious or analytical for him.

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At altered stages of life, various situations and aggravation arises. Basically not anybody is able of handling them due to adolescence and assorted added factors that arrest to handle with them. These complication causes anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, insomnia and in some cases bodies use drugs like analgesic and sedatives and many drinks alcohol. Which can additionally advance them to addiction to that substances. But the actuality is about baleful behavior and addiction that occurs because of those depressive and afraid thoughts that continuously absorb ones mind.

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Problems can appear at anytime in the activity time. All is we aloof charge to cope up or at least try to cope up and handle them to advance and go added in life. But in best of the cases bodies abort to do that.

To bachelors who are attractive for job or a gradually afterwards business man, boyhood boys and girls, the appellation abortion is actual abundant annoying and a acumen for depression, anxiety and abounding added brainy illness. Statistics shows that best of the suicide cases are from of those groups of people.

Suicide is the result of anxiety,stress and depression pic-14, Collected Unique....







About admin

What do you hear? We are saying something from Bangladesh – Welcome to you. How are you all? We know that, none of you are doing well in this unsafe and increasingly polluted world. I/you all must be very tired now from the intense mental turmoil caused by various unavoidable reasons, from agitation, lassitude, anxiety and depression to suicidal tendencies, drug addiction and addicting substances to the swings of despair. But how long to live like this? Can’t we light the torch of light and light all the depressed, drugged, tired, lost the way of life of this world and keep an island of constant hope burning? Can we not change this world of increasing pollution? Can we not build a beautiful, humane, pollution-free, healthy livable green world? Can’t we spread the flow of safe, pollution-free oxygen around the world? Yes, of course we can. If you/I/Welcome Message. Work to transform people’s psychology as a force to help build a healthy and peaceful world. Show the way to light to the lost and dark people. We instill hope in suicidal people suffering from anxiety and depression and tell them – suicide is not the only way and way to solve any problem. Assure them that even when one road in life is closed, many others are open. Help drug addicts show the way to light. We involve them in imparting self-motivation and mental strength to get out of the world of addiction and severe addicting substances and build a beautiful life. Inform and sensitize them about the harmful effects of drugs. So, let’s you/me/we all together make this world a habitable place for people. Come, in your/my awareness a drug-free, depression-free, addiction-free, pollution-free green and beautiful world that we reshape to our needs and bring everyone together. Thank you very much for being with us, greetings and congratulations. Best wishes always in anticipation of a beautiful future.

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