Motto : “ Improper Education Make A Improper Backbone Which Not Tolerate The Weight Of The Nation.”
- We work at among the college level students for build much awareness against the Suicidal tendency due to varieties of anxiety, depression and rising other crisis or, disorder.
- We work for conscious them from the harmful effects of the different addicting substances, drug abuse, substances abuse, dependency to other intoxicating substances and always encourage them to avoid that.
- We work for save and protect them with always try to teach them how to self reform who and whose are already suffer from the effects of addicting substances and growing dependency over the someone.
- We work for build awareness among the college level students about the effects of climate change, effects of environment pollution by the different ways and contaminations due to varieties reasons with how the people are play and promoted an important role.
- We work for build and make a healthy, peaceful with a pollution free environment for human being and make a green world where conscious and aware college level student may play an important role. We always try to ensure that through much awareness and communicating program among the different college level students.